📱 The principles have not changed
The founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, explained the changes in the privacy policy of the messenger on his channel, emphasizing that there were no significant changes in the operation of the platform.
✔️ He noted that since 2018, Telegram has been providing information such as IP addresses and phone numbers to law enforcement agencies in a number of countries when it comes to dangerous criminals.
✔️ Durov added that Telegram always transmitted data only after receiving properly executed requests related to serious crimes. It is possible to find out the number of satisfied requests through a special bot.
✔️ Recently, Telegram updated its privacy policy to eliminate confusion among users from different countries. But the messenger did not change its principles: the company strives to comply with laws if they do not contradict the values of freedom and privacy.
🛡 According to Durov, Telegram protects activists and ordinary users from abuse by the authorities and corporations, while preventing criminals from evading justice.